A Clean Energy Project Proposed for Halifax and Pittsylvania County

Clean Energy for Virginians
Hillandale Solar is a proposed 102 MW solar project, capable of powering approximately 10,000 Virginia homes. Hillandale is located on privately owned property in Halifax and Pittsylvania County.

Community Engagement
Addressing community needs is our top priority. Our project team has been engaging with stakeholders including community members, property owners, adjacent neighbors, the Planning Commission, and the Board of Supervisors. We strive to be good neighbors, so please reach out to us with any questions or comments.
Benefits for Everyone
Tax revenue, construction spending, community partnerships all stem from the local energy produced in Halifax and Pittsylvania County. While retaining the rural character of the area, Hillandale Solar offers a unique economic development opportunity that can generate millions in direct and indirect revenue to Halifax and Pittsylvania County over the life of the project.
Growing the Community
- Direct contributions to the local economy by providing jobs and utilizing local services, trades, supplies, and commodities.
- Millions of dollars generated for the County in tax revenue.
- Assist in deployment of Broadband or other County investments.
Clean Energy Benefits
- Clean energy for over 10,000 Virginia homes for at least the next 30-40 years
- Eliminates over 141,700 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year
- Bring Virginia closer to its mandated goal of 100 percent zero-carbon emissions by 2050.
Support Hillandale Solar
Support Solar
About Us and Our Community
Hillandale Solar is a wholly owned subsidiary of Strata Clean Energy, LLC. Strata is a family-owned company that was founded in 2008. Strata has extensive solar experience from site planning to construction to operations. We work to maximize local benefits and preserve local communities while creating safe and reliable electricity, local jobs, and a sustainable revenue source for the County. Strata is around to play the long game and our personal investment, responsible stewardship, local community involvement, and safety are extremely important.